3 Reasons Why You Should Journal

Hi family,

I hope all is well.

I know many of you are loving the journals you've bought from us thus far, and have been spreading the word about our business.

Today, I wanted to write to you about why you should keep a journal. Aside from it being a cool consumer item to have, there are many practical benefits to be gained from keeping a journal. And right now, I'm going to give you my Top 3 Reasons as to why you should keep one. 

1. Helps Reduce Stress and Anxiety (Mental Health)

Life is hard lol. We all have our challenges and battles that we secretly fight with on a daily basis. A journal is one of the best weapons you can have to win those battles.

Keeping a journal allows you to be vulnerable with yourself, decompress from the stress, and get all of your worries and fears out of your head. Writing your ails down on paper isn't only therapeutic—it's cathartic.

If you had a bad dream, write about your nightmare and why it scared you.

If you're worried about an upcoming exam for one of your classes, write about your apprehensions to help relax your anxiety before test day.

If your supervisor is stressing you out on the job, cuss him out in your diary so you don't get fired for doing it in real life.

2. Track Progress and Growth

One of the best feelings I personally get from my journals is being able to look back and see how far I've come in my journey.

I started my own journal in the Spring Semester of my Freshman Year in college back in 2016. Being able to see the details of my growth, from being a nerdy business major who had a job in the school cafeteria, to now a full-time entrepreneur, fills me with confidence every time.

Journals are like time machines because of their ability to take us back to the past. You can see your former self vividly through a journal.

When I you read your old journals, you'll able to see what weaknesses you used to have, the things you were preoccupied with, and the insecurities you overcame.

If you really want to measure your growth as a person, start a journal and write an entry in it every day. After a few years, when you take a look back through the pages, you'll be so impressed and proud of yourself for how much you've grown.

3. Find Inspiration

Sometimes to find the path outward, we need to go inward. Keeping a journal helps you to better reflect. And when we reflect, we realize what's most important to us and what we need to do next.

For me, when I don't know what to do, I'll grab a pen and write in my journal about how I feel stuck in whatever situation I'm in. I'll go deep into how I feel frustrated, angry, or empty.

Do you know what happens when I'm near the end of my writing? New ideas come to me about what I need to do!

It's like once I got out all the clutter and rut that was clogging my mind up, it made room for the new strategies, tricks, and goals I should strive for.

If you're ever feeling lost, a journal is the best compass you can have to find yourself again and get back on your path.

I know I said I was only going to give you my Top 3 Reasons. However, as a bonus gift to you all, I'm going to give you an additional four more reasons to journal in the list below that are helpful as well.

4. Improve Self-Confidence

5. Set & Achieve Goals

6. Improve Writing and Communication Skills

7. Boost Creativity

Love and Blessings, family!

Grow. Inspire. Create.

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