Happy Black History Month!

Hello family,

Happy Black History Month!

I hope each of you take this time to remember and give thanks to the contributions of our ancestors, who made it possible for us to enjoy the life we live today.

For many of us, including myself, we learn something new every day about our history. Great and unique things that we weren't taught in school.

For instance, did you know that the first person to successfully perform open heart surgery was a Black man by the name of Daniel Hale Williams?

Or that Dr. Patricia Bath was the first Black female doctor to get a medical patent when she invented the Laserphaco Probe, a tool that corrects cataracts during eye surgery?

Black men and women have been doing phenomenal things in our time since the beginning. Our history is so great that it had it to be hidden from us.

And even with the advent of 21st Century technology, we're still just scratching the surface of who we really are and what we've accomplished in this world.

To my fellow Black people, I want us to never forget that Black History is something that we all are and exemplify every day as we live our lives. Like the end of Malcolm X by Spike Lee says: "WE are Malcolm X."

We carry on the legacy of our ancestors and build upon what they've done for us. You are the next hero that future generations will read about in the history books when they discuss Black excellence.

They will tell your story, in your own words, one day soon. 

Happy Black History Month Family!

Grow. Inspire. Create.

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